Mrs Mighetto - Mr Henry juliste 50x70
Myyty loppuun
Tilapäisesti loppu. Anna sähköpostiosoitteesi niin kerromme sinulle kun tuotetta on taas saatavilla.
…Mr Henry is the thing-finder of the fairytale world, today’s answer to the fortune teller and off course, fantastic at finding things. But not just random things, but the most important of hidden, forgotten and sometimes de-prioritized things like gratitude, consideration and friendship. You absolutely must not forget that. Henry ensures that people get their act together and that the world becomes a friendlier place.
Julisteen koko: 50x70 cm
Materiaali: 170 g Munken Polar Rough matta paperi.
Lanseerattu 10-2020
LIMITED EDITION - tätä julistetta on tehty vain tämä erä. Rajoitettu painos, kun se on loppuunmyyty, se loppuu ikuisesti.